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PFG150-100 Rolling Machine


Technical Parameters of PFG150-100 Rolling Machine:
1. Name: PFG150-100 rolling machine
2. Application: clinker crushing
3. Amount: 1 set
4. Material: clinker
5. Total moisture content: ≤1~1.5%
6. Max.feeding size: 80mm
7. Discharging size: more than 60% of products are less than 2mm.
8. Production capacity: 483~543t/h
9. Working mode: continuous
10. Power supply mode: voltage 6KV
11. Layout mode: indoor
12. Required power: 2×710 kW
13. Diameter of roller: 1500mm
14. Width of roller: 1000mm
15. Rotating speed of roller: 19.7 r/min